6/1/10 – Readers may well ask what penny auctions have to do with online gambling, and the answer is that growing numbers of online gambling operators are finding that adding such a facility increases interest and site traffic.
The Swedish company Auctionbringer Ltd claims it is the world’s first B2B provider of a Penny Auction network, and its latest partner is software and network developer Tain.
Auctionbringer’s simple API integration will provide Tain’s licensees with an opportunity to offer this interesting product to existing players whilst also using it as a unique acquisition tool to attract new customers.
Mathias Larsson, managing director of Auctionbringer says: “We are excited to sign Tain as a B2B partner. Their experience and contacts in the gaming industry makes them an ideal associate for us. Tain’s customers will now have the opportunity to be first to the market with Penny Auctions, a product we are confident will be an integral part of all future online gaming portfolios.”
Tain chief executive, Christer Fahlstedt, said the agreement with Auctionbringer will enable Tain to offer a unique addition to its expanding portfolio of games, either through its TCP platform solution or on a turn-key basis.
This Penny Auction network will be primarily focused on the European markets and since it is not considered gambling, it is also a very exciting opportunity for the American market.

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