Poker : Was Ftops XV Winner Underage

2/26/10 – Adding a frisson of intrigue and curiousity to the twoplustwo poker message board this week was a series of posts concerning allegations that the recent winner of the Full Tilt Online Poker Series XV main event, JackQKA, was a sixteen-year-old and therefore ineligible for the $237 000 winner's prize.
In a series of posts that became increasingly suspicious, poster JMaverick claimed that because he had staked JackQKA in a verbal agreement he was owed half of any winnings, a situation reminiscent of the WSOP scandal involving Jamie Gold and a television producer some years ago.
When JackQKA denied such an agreement existed, JMaverick alleged that he was, at sixteen, underage and that he would disclose this to his parents.  The heavy handed threat did not appear to have the desired effect, however, and there was no evidence that Full Tilt intended disqualifying the win – which would in any case be a phyrric victory for JMaverick.
“JackQKA first of all is only 16 Years Old, his parents have no clue he plays online poker… Jack I am telling you I will personally call them and tell them there gonna need legal representation because if I dont see $115,000 in my account by 12AM this will turn into a legal issue!” was just one of JMaverick's earlier posts on the subject.
In response, JackQKA claimed he was 24 years old and has never accepted an outsider stake in his two-and-a-half-year playing career.
Later, JMaverick posted that he may have shot himself in the foot by "outing" JackQKA, and that the matter would now be handled privately. But JackQKA remained unfazed, saying that instead of arguing about the affair he was out partying to celebrate the big win!
And that's where the matter appeared to rest as the week ended, although there were reports that Full Tilt security had verified JackQKA's credentials and were satisfied with his age and his action.

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