Microgaming Donates to Childrens Hospital

Online gambling software provider donates vein finder to Isle of Man hospital children's ward
The Microgaming Health and Care Trust has purchased a VeinViewer for the Paediatric Ward at Noble’s Hospital on the Isle of Man
The VeinViewer is a non-invasive piece of illuminating infra-red medical equipment that allows staff to clearly see a ‘map’ of a patient’s veins’ on the skin surface. This facilitates the taking of blood samples and the insertion of intravenous lines.  As a result of improved visibility, the VeinViewer can help to avoid multiple attempts at vein puncture, with a corresponding reduction in pain and distress during the procedure.
This is of particular benefit when treating younger patients.
Dr Prakash Thiagarajan, Consultant General and Neonatal Paediatrician at Noble’s Hospital, explains: “Placing an intravenous cannula in an infant or child can be very challenging for doctors and nurses, as well as being very distressing for children and their parents. Often we are forced to search only by feel, as veins are not always visible on the surface of the skin. A VeinViewer identifies veins under the skin and projects a virtual map onto the skin. This state-of-the-art piece of equipment will greatly assist us in locating the veins and thereby reduce the number of attempts required to place cannulae in infants and children.”
Dr. John Wardle, Trustee of the Microgaming Health Care & Trust, said: “The Microgaming Health & Care Trust was established to provide funding assistance to various health and social care projects on the Island where the outcome benefits the wider community.”

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