Improved third quarter from NetPlayTV, with good mobile contribution

Improved third quarter from NetPlayTV, with good mobile contribution
Interactive gambling group NetPlayTV issued its Q3 2011 results Tuesday, showcasing a strong comeback after its bingo trials and tribulations earlier this year.
Performance highlights outlined in the company's press release include:
* 57.3 percent increase in new casino players up to 24,686 (Q3 2010: 15,691)
* 44.8 percent increase in active casino players up to 23,416 (Q3 2010: 16,172)
* Full year 2011 trading anticipated as being ahead of market expectations
Management said that the company is focusing continuously on how best to maximise the number of players acquired through the post-midnight teleshopping TV window, and during Q3 tests were carried out on pre-midnight TV advertising spots which produced positive results. Encouraged by the results, the company will be further increasing marketing expenditure on TV advertising in Q4.
A company spokesman said that NetPLay continues to pursue ways of generating increased revenues from its 31.5 hours of terrestrial TV per week, particularly with regard to acquiring new customers directly via mobile.
This strategy is proving to be effective with Supercasino mobile revenue up over 500 percent on Q3 2010. This significant increase in mobile revenue is the result of the introduction of NetPlay's new iPhone application in Q3 2010, and supports the company's strategy of acquiring customers directly into the iPhone via the TV.

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