Sports betting adviser Adam Meyer Struggles With Drug Addiction

Court gives Adam Meyer one last chance by sending him to rehabilitation.
The American big-money sports betting adviser Adam Meyer, perhaps better known for his role in an attempted $25 million scam on a wealthy client in Wisconsin will be out of circulation in a drug rehabilitation centre for a while, according to reports coming out of the US this week.
Arrested late last year on racketeering, extortion and armed intimidation charges involving Gary Sadoff, one of his clients, the 42-year-old high profile sports betting tipster is currently out on a million dollar bail agreement, but has been sent to drug rehab by federal Judge William Duffin after again failing to present himself for the drug tests mandated in his bail agreement.
Judge Duffin warned Meyer that he had previously failed four drug tests, avoided other tests, and was now on his last chance. His bail would be revoked for non-compliance with the order to attend inpatient rehab sessions, the Judge warned.
According to the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel, Meyer is also facing two counts of felony drug possession in Florida after police found drugs on Meyer after he crashed his car.

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