Thursday August 18,2011 : A traditional bookie interface for exchange betting
The Irish betting exchange Betdaq has just launched Betdaq 1Bet, a new site that brings a traditional bookmaker-style interface to exchange betting and Spread Betting.
Betdaq members using the 1Bet site will see just one set of ‘back’ odds displayed, as opposed to the full set of ‘back’ and ‘lay’ options, and will not pay any commission on the prices viewed on screen. As they are derived from the global betting exchange, where users bet against each other, the 1Bet odds are highly competitive.
The 1Bet feature is simple to use and members can easily navigate between the regular exchange and 1Bet interfaces to suit their preferences.
Betdaq's marketing director, Shane McLaughlin, said: “We are aiming to reach out to a new audience through this new feature and to give our members as much choice as possible. Betdaq 1Bet is perfect for anyone who wants the simplicity of the traditional bookmaker style and commission-free betting, while still having access to the better odds and more advanced features that the exchange offers."

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