New Tv Ad For Betfair

First creative from a newly engaged agency.
Betfair Australia has contracted the creative services of Aussie advertising agency CumminsRoss following a competitive pitch process, reports the marketing publication Campaign Brief.
The agency's first creative, a television ad. to promote autumn racing, will flight this week, with a preview available here:
Commenting on the contract with Betfair, Chris Jeffares, CumminsRoss managing director, told Campaign Brief:
"They have a unique positioning in the market and ambitious plans … a bit like us. It was a fast and fun pitch, and the win is a great way to start 2014.  Nothing beats a pitch as an induction, and the new guys in the agency did an awesome job and fully justified the faith we have placed in them."
Betfair marketing manager Alana Mason said: "We have set up a strong brand proposition and we were intrigued to see how we could take the brand forward and engage with new audiences.  The CumminsRoss approach, at both a brand and behavioural-change level, was very powerful."
CumminsRoss is Australia's largest independent creative and media agency, experiencing rapid growth since it was established in 2011.  The new campaign ‘There's winning and there's winning' is the first of several projects underway, Jeffares revealed.

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