CarbonPoker adds new poker processors

Posted 3/1/11 : February brought news of two more processors being added to CarbonPoker, PDC Poker, and

The addition of Transferencia Bancaria Local and Dineromail provides more options to players in populous Latin American countries like Mexico, Agentina, Chile, and Peru.

Both Transferencia Bancaria Local and Dineromail add value to our suite of processors which in turn will mean good things for Latin american poker players.. 

Here’s a bit more information on the two new guys on the block:

Transferencia Bancaria Local

Transferencia Bancaria Local (also referred to as “Lobanet”) is a bank transfer service that allows customers to pay for goods and services quickly via their personal bank. Signup to carbonpoker now.


Minimum: $10

Maximum: $300


Countries: Chile, Mexico, Uruguay, Peru

Currencies: Chilean Peso, Mexican Peso,  Uruguayan Peso, Nuevo Sol


DineroMail is a popular eWallet available to customers in Chile, Mexico and Argentina. Customers are not required to register for DineroMail unless they plan on using the eWallet service.


Minimum: $10

Maximum: $3000


Countries: Chile, Mexico Argentina

Currencies: Chilean Peso, Mexican Peso

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