Antonius Hits Durrr Again in Poker Challenge

4/30/10 – Tom Dwan and Patrik Antonius appear to be making up for lost time on the 50 000 hand, million dollar Challenge, and met for another session this week – the second after a six week hiatus.
Antonius prevailed again, this time taking Dwan down for $340 437 in a five hour session in which 1 184 hands were played and eleven pots worth over $100 000 each were contested, the biggest a $ 205 595 monster which Antonius won.
With the Challenge now well on the way to completion after some 18 months of stop-go action, rumours are circulating that the next Challenger to step up and face Dwan will be Brian Townsend, one of the instructors at CardRunners. You can watch them play live here.
Latest MarketPulse stats look like this:
* Total amount wagered in the Challenge to date: $ 313 193 943
* Dwan lead to date: $ 1 468 655
* Antonius win in latest session: $ 346 437
* Total number of hands played to date: 37 366
* Total hours played in the Challenge to date: 123
* Percentage of Challenge now completed: 75