Government should be prepared to give up gambling monopoly and licence a small number of private operators
A Dutch Justice Ministry commission set up by Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin to look into the pros and cons of internet gambling has recommended that the government abandons its "barely enforced" monopoly on gambling and instead licenses a small number of private online poker companies, reports the publication Dutch News.nl.
The Commission noted that enforcement officials seldom take action against the dozens of online poker sites which offer poker action over the internet in the Netherlands, often from bases in other EU countries.
The report also observes that to be effective in stopping foreign competition, a system would have to be introduced compelling internet service providers to block access to the websites of operators.
Dutch News recalls that in July a court in The Hague ruled that poker is not a game of chance, but one in which skill predominates, and the organiser of a poker tournament therefore cannot be prosecuted for breaking gambling laws.

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