Geobet in deal with Winnemucca Indian Colony

In agreement with Shishoni Tribal Nation of Nevada
Online gambling technology and services provider The GEOBet Online Gaming Network has reached agreement with the Winnemucca Indian Colony of Shoshoni Tribal Nation of Nevada, where both parties will partner to achieve online gaming licensing for the Shoshoni Tribes.
The GEObet online gambling network, whose focus is on bringing Native American tribal casinos online, partnered with The Northern Bear which became the first real-money North American online tribal casino when it launched in November last year
Seemingly GEObet founder Gerry Gionet shares the Shishoni Tribe's Green initiative passion saying "GEObet’s goal of bringing together all North American tribes to collectively grow through the power of tribal E-Conomy starts with GEObet online and moves to Green initiatives, giving back to the environment as a basic fundamental of doing business".
“Nevada is built on the land the Shoshoni Tribes have inhabited for centuries and it is appropriate for the Shoshoni’s to embrace their inherent right to gaming and work together with other tribal nations to benefit all nations fully from those rights.  Gerry Gionet and GEObet Network are tribal in blood, in nature and in economy and we see the vast opportunities before us through a cohesive effort to expand mutual business interests,” added Shishoni Tribe Chief William Bill.

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