Full Year 2012 Results for Intralot in

Thursday March 28,2013 : INTRALOT 2012 FULL YEAR RESULTS
15 percent revenue and EBITDA growth, mainly in Q4-2012
International lottery and gaming firm Intralot has released it FY 2012 results for the period ending December 31, 2012, showcasing:
* Group consolidated revenues up by 14.3 percent to Euro 1.374 billion.
* EBITDA up 15.4 percent to Euro 177.5 million.
* EBT increased by 2.4 percent to Euro 58.4 million.
* EAT-am (Earnings After Taxes and after minorities) were shaped at Euro 6.1 million, down from Euro 17.7 million in 2011.
* Cash Flow from operations increased by 39 percent, reaching Euro 114 million.
Revenues for the parent company during FY2012 increased by 6 percent to Euro 139.6 million; EBITDA increased by 13 percent to Euro 21.9 million and Earnings After Taxes (EAT) increased by 85.5 percent to Euro 3 million.
Q4-2012 financial stats included:
* Consolidated Revenues up by 7.9 percent reaching Euro 373.1 million.
* EBITDA grew by 45.3 percent at Euro 60.5 million.
* EBT increased by 7.5 percent reaching Euro 25.9 million.
Intralot CEO Constantinos Antonopoulos, reported: "In 2012, we had some significant business developments. Starting with our operations in Europe, we managed to win again a 10-year concession for the operation of the national lottery of Malta, retaining our presence in one of our most important markets.
"In cooperation with SGI we will enter the German sports betting market, one of the largest globally.
"In Greece, where significant reforms in the gaming market are taking place, the consortium in which Intralot is participating was selected as the winning bidder for the acquisition of the exclusive 12-year concession to operate Hellenic Lotteries. Intralot is also participating in the process of the sale of a 33 percent stake in OPAP from the HRADF and will also participate in the privatisation of the Hellenic Horse Racing Company licence.
"Recently the finalization of the agreement following an international tender regarding the provision of the IT infrastructure and related services for OPAP's central IT system was announced, which is pending approval by the latter's shareholders.
"In the important gaming market of Italy we have recently obtained a 10-year concession to operate AWP and VLT machines.
"In the US, the company started the operation of the important VLT monitoring system in Ohio and obtained a 3-year extension of its contract in Idaho, until 2017.
"Our company in Jamaica achieved a 77 percent growth in profits in 2012 and we managed to enter the interesting gaming market of Mexico. Our subsidiaries in Peru and Brazil continued to grow their business and in Argentina we managed to extend two State lottery contracts.
"In the Australasia, starting with Taiwan, the consortia which were supported by Intralot have won both the processes for the Lottery and the sports betting contracts. We started operating the very significant VLT monitoring project in Victoria, Australia.
Last, but not least, we closed down our betting operations in Madrid, following our strategy to eliminate under-performing projects.
"We will continue to work hard in the next years to further develop the company based on its proven business model, as numerous opportunities but also challenges are expected to arise in the global gaming market."