Online poker site CEO voices concerns over late payments

2/18/10 – Previous reports that the Merge Poker Network is somewhat dilatory with player payouts appeared to be confirmed this week when Mike Eloff, chief executive of Poker, publicly voiced his concerns regarding the network.
In a statement he said was aimed at clarifying the situation, Eloff reminded players that his company does not carry out the processing for all deposits and withdrawals from its players.
"This is left to the Merge Gaming Network and we are well aware of the problems that they have caused in the past regarding extremely late withdrawals," Eloff wrote.
"I have been in constant contact with the CEO of Merge Gaming to ensure that this problem gets sorted out as fast as possible, for the obvious reason that they are giving our brand a really bad name in the industry.
"This has been a long battle with Merge Gaming to get them to sort it out and they have assured me that all has been sorted out and that as of this week, all withdrawal times are being reduced to the standard times."
Eloff appealed to any Nordica player experiencing problems of this nature to inform him through, and gave an undertaking to assist in getting any withdrawal delays sorted out and processed.
Eloff also referred to criticism regarding the support service of his site, pointing out that  "…this is another service we have outsourced through the Merge Gaming Network and this is currently being worked on, but thank you for your valued feedback on this matter."

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