Payouts Resume at Moore Games

Tuesday  August 28,2012 : MOORE GAMES RESUMES PAYMENTS (Update)
Monthly financial adjustment from network appears to have resolved pay-out hassles
The financial dispute between Playtech's iPoker network and member site Moore Games, which surfaced early in July when players claimed they were not being paid appears to have been resolved, with players reporting a resumption of pay-outs.
However, there is still no information on the "material breach of network policy" which Playtech's head of poker, Roei Gavish, said was responsible for the operator's suspension last month, and Moore Games has reportedly hired a legal representative, presumably to continue its engagement with the network on the issue.
Whether the dispute is so serious that Moore will change networks, as was threatened at one point by a company representative, remains to be seen.
Moore will also be considering its position once the new two-tier operator systems is implemented at iPoker at the end of this month. This imposes stiff requirements regarding player liquidity and other elements on operators who aspire to the top tier, and has already resulted in one operator closing and another merging with Titan Poker