Nelson Burtnick : Fulltilt Poker Money Man Surrendering

Nelson Burtnick reportedly en route to New York
Posters on the twoplustwo message board, followed by online media, are currently discussing the imminent surrender to the US authorities of Nelson Burtnick, head of payment processing at Full Tilt Poker's Dublin offices and a fugitive from US justice since Black Friday.
If the reports are true and Burtnick is arrested on arrival as was the case with his chief executive, Ray Bitar, there will remain only three of the eleven Black Friday indictees at large – the notorious Scott Tom of Absolute Poker, and Paul Tate and Isai Scheinberg of Pokerstars.
As we went to press Tuesday, Burtnick was reportedly winging his way back to the USA aboard a United Airlines flight, scheduled to arrive EST late morning.
Poster diabhal (devil in gaelic) on the twoplustwo forum broke the news, noting that Burtnick agreed to surrender after several video conferences with the DOJ in which the terms of his arrest were discussed.
Last week, Justice Department prosecutors unsealed a new superseding indictment on Bitar and Burtnick, including additional charges against both.
Bitar is charged with operating a multi-million dollar Ponzi scheme and is accused on nine charges, whilst Burtnick faces eight criminal charges that embrace his activities at both Full Tilt Poker and during his tenure of office at Pokerstars; all carry tough punitive measures.
The new 36-page document claims that the duo conspired with others to deceive US financial institutions by miscoding credit card transactions, fraudulently processing e-checks and attempted to corrupt US banks.

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