Netherlands Invites Operators to Register ther EOI to offer online gambling

Register your interest in the online Netherlands market on December 1, 2014
Marja Appelman, director of the Netherlands Gaming Authority Kansspelautoriteit (NGA), has invited operators to register their expressions of interest (EOI) in offering online gambling services in the Netherlands market.
Appelman announced the initiative at EiG Berlin last week, saying the authority would make a registration form available on the website from December 1, 2014 following receipt of which, the authority would assess and appraise the operators' current online offer while getting to know each operator on an individual basis.
The legislative process on the Netherlands Online Gambling Bill (draft) has not yet begun despite the bill being sent to Parliament in July 2014.  It will be discussed in both Houses of Parliament and amendments could potentially be made before any formal licencing process can begin.
Appelman said a public consultation would commence at the beginning of 2015 to glean input and opinions from established operators keen to operate in the Netherlands market while also saying the authority aims to keep administrative burdens as low as possible for these providers.

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