NY Poker Bill Moves Ahead


Next stop, the Senate Finance Committee

In an encouraging development for online poker, the New York State Racing, Gaming and Wagering Committee, chaired by Sen. John Boracic, unanimously voted in favour of Bill. S5302 which allows for the operation of certain interactive poker games such as Omaha and Texas hold’em – considered to be games of skill rather than luck.

The bill calls for the issue of ten online poker licenses at a cost of $10 million each which would be valid for ten years along with the obligation of a 15 percent state tax on gross gaming revenue.

"S.5302-B took a necessary step forward today with its vote out of the Racing Committee," Bonacic said in a statement released by his office after the hearing. "The Bill now goes to the Finance Committee and I anticipate having ongoing discussions with my colleagues in both Houses regarding this bill as session moves forward."

John Pappas, executive director of the Poker Players Alliance applauded the development, saying:

"The PPA thanks Chairman John Bonacic and the Committee for acting quickly to pass iPoker legalization through the Senate Committee on Racing, Gaming and Wagering.

“If passed into law, the bill would provide New Yorkers who play poker online with a safe and regulated environment, while bringing in revenue for the state.”

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