Partouche Agrees To Honor 5 Million Guarantee

Friday September 7, 2012 : PARTOUCHE AGREES TO HONOUR GUARANTEE (Update)
Euro 5 million prize pool back on the cards
Patrick Partouche has returned to say that the Partouche Poker Tour (PPT) will now honour the original Euro 5 Million Guarantee but maintains that the tournament currently in play will still be the last.
Following extensive coverage in the media and faced with angry criticism from players, Partouche maintained its "no guarantee" position but said that there had been confusion and "erroneous information" in the external media that had mistakenly given the wrong impression of the size of the prize pool.
The tour's marketing director JJ Ichai will remain with the company despite tendering his resignation over the PR debacle with Partouche saying "he has never turned his back on his troops and that anyone who doesn’t make mistakes isn’t trying hard enough.”.
The group has agreed to cover the Euro 730 000 overlay bringing the total prize pool to the originally committed Euro 5 million.