Pennsylvania Says No more gambling expansion
Residents are not opposed to gambling, but they say there are now enough opportunities available in the state.
Whilst the politicians argue on various aspects of gambling, ordinary Pennsylvanians have voiced their feelings in a new poll conducted by Quinnipiac University Polling Institute which shows that by a margin of 55-percent to 37-percent, Pennsylvania voters think legal gambling in the state is a good thing…but they do not favour further expansion.
“Pennsylvanians like gambling where it is right now,” Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Institute, told CBS Thursday. “What we have is fine. But they don’t want it in their backyard, and they don’t want more casinos, and they’re also concerned about online gambling and problem gamblers."
While 71-percent say if people are going to gamble, it’s better to have Pennsylvania get their money, 70-percent say there should not be more casinos in Pennsylvania, and 57-percent don’t want one in the town or city where they live, reports CBS.
By a margin of 62 to 33 percent, state voters oppose legalising online gambling, and 70-percent think online gaming and more casinos would lead to an increase in compulsive gamblers.