Petition against Restoration of Wire act

But this sort of appeal requires 100,000 signatures before it will be considered.
Poker Players Alliance executive Rich Muny, acting in his personal capacity as a US citizen, has launched a new anti-Restoration of America's Wire Act initiative, appealing to PPA members, online punters and other interested parties throughout the United States to sign a White House petition at:
Muny hopes to put a crimp on any further momentum pro-RAWA politicians can generate for the online gambling banning bill, allegedly drafted by Adelson lobbyists and currently at committee stage in Congress,
The petition reads:
"Protect Internet freedom. Oppose efforts in Congress to force states to shut down state-authorized poker & gaming sites.
"Protect Internet freedom and consumers by opposing House (HR 707) and Senate bills entitled the Restoration of America’s Wire Act (RAWA).
“Some in Congress seek a federal shutdown of state-authorized online poker and other betting websites, and a ban on future sites. This would set a dangerous precedent where Congress could block states from authorizing online intrastate commerce.
"Regardless of personal opinions on wagering, the Tenth Amendment directs that states decide such matters, not Congress. RAWA benefits only certain large donors, while state-licensed sites safeguard players, prevent underage participation, and protect those with excessive gaming habits. And, the safety and security of licensed sites drives unlicensed sites out of the market.
"Please pledge to veto RAWA.”
The petition has been launched under the White House’s “We the People” online petitioning portal, which requires any appeal to have at least 100,000 signatures within 30 days before it will be considered.