Tribes To Discuss Internet Poker With President

With Obama settling into a second term as president, tribal groups probe his Administration's policies on internet gambling
December 5th will see the start of the fourth White House Tribal Nations Conference of the Obama administration, and representatives from the 566 federally recognised tribes of the US will travel to the Department of the Interior offices in Washington DC to again thrash out policy issues.
High on the tribal agenda is once again the federal attitude toward tribal gambling groups expanding into the presently frowned-upon online gambling environment. With renewed interest in that sector evident from major US non-tribal interests like the major Nevada corporates, the proceedings will be closely observed, whilst individual states that have internet ambitions will also watch with interest.
The White House Tribal Nations Conference is consequently being viewed in many quarters as a barometer of the general mood in US federal government on the subject of internet gambling generally and online poker more specifically.
Among the issues on which the tribal groups will seek answers will almost certainly be the perennial question of which federal or state government branch should control any regulation of internet gambling. The topic is sensitive because it impacts historical Native American gambling compacts and jealously guarded rights to conduct gambling operations.

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