Sunday December 4,2011 : The next multi-billion celebration has learned from the last one
Our readers will recall the anger and criticism that followed the manner in which two players wangled big wins in the 70 billion hand Pokerstars celebrations earlier this year. The two played heads up and fast-folded their way into the win as the crucial mega milestone hand neared; not illegal in terms of the rules at the time, but certainly controversial.
Pokerstars appears to have learned from the incident, because preparations for the 72nd billionth hand, an added promotion as part of the giant's tenth anniversary celebrations, include the temporary shutdown of all heads up tables on the final run-up to the hand being dealt.
In the 72 billionth promo, over a thousand players will win cash prizes. Winners will earn cash every millionth hand from 71,770,000,000 through 72,000,000,000, and everyone dealt into the mega milestone 72 billionth hand will get at least $10,000, The promotion is expected to cost Pokerstars over $750 000.

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