PokerStars seems earnest in its intentions to open dialogue with players
Following the hotly contested changes to PokerStars rake calculations and VIP rewards and the ensuing completion of successful negotiations between the online poker giant and player representatives, PokerStars has kept its promise of hosting a bi-annual meeting during the months of April and November with discussions surrounding players issues on the agenda.
The company has invited player representatives from a number of internet poker forums to attend the meetings to be held on April 11 through April 13, 2012 at its headquarters in the Isle of Man.
TwoplusTwo Forum moderator Mike Haven, who was nominated by PokerStars representative "PokerStars Steve" to select player representatives to attend the meeting, provides some insight into content that PokerStars will address at the meeting which include receiving player feedback on any issues, clarifying its reasoning behind certain decisions it takes and cultivating a better communication channel with players.
Haven has requested forum members to submit nominations of "intelligent, experienced, knowledgeable and respected users" who are able to represent the players' perspective in any discussions.
Voting will follow the selection of potential candidates.
The thread is accessible on :
PokerStars must be commended for this noteworthy initiatibve in setting the bar and taking customer relationships to a new level.

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