Studying Social gamers behaviour

Traffic Generation's infographic gives the lowdown on Social gamers behaviour and the importance of good CRM.
The research analysts at Traffic Generation have come up with another valuable and informative infographic on the behaviour of an increasingly important demographic – that of online and mobile social gamers – and the real value of efficient and responsive customer service.
The full graphic can be viewed here:
Informed by a sample of 1,577 players, the new study shows that evening is the favourite time for social gamer action (38 percent of respondents), and that a sizeable 29 percent of the demographic visits a social community website not once, but several times a day to keep up to date and interact with others.
Casino gaming is not the only attraction for 64 percent of respondents, who indicated that they play a variety of other social games online.
The survey cross-referenced direct user feedback, with player activity data, from close to a million social slots players on Facebook, over a period of two years, and the results once again highlight the need for good customer service systems and interaction if revenues are to grow in an increasingly competitive environment.
Other interesting take-homes from the infographic are:
* 39 percent of social slots players who interacted with customer service are monetising users.
* This group of monetising players also represented 37 percent of total revenue, suggesting that CRM has a direct effect on over a third of monetisation rates.
* Three-quarters of the top 10 percent of communicating players were paying users who interacted with customer relations on an average of 24 times per person, providing an added opportunity for operators to positively interact with them on average once a month.
* Players who frequently interacted with customer service tended to be the high value users.
Traffic Generation extended the survey to a further 1,824 social slots players, who confirmed the importance of good and proactive CRM by confirming:
* 35 percent classified customer service as “Extremely important to me”.
* 27 percent said “Having a personal point of contact for the developers of my favourite casino game is..” “Extremely important to me”
* 37 percent said “When I receive good customer service from a social casino, I am more likely to..” “Play the game again”
Traffic Generation concludes that its survey illustrates a real link between monetising social players and positive interaction with customer services, maintaining relationships to sustain revenue.
"Having the readily available technology that social networks offer, such as messaging tools, allows operators to send out targeted and personalised communications to players via the right channels," Traffic Generation notes. "This gives them the opportunity to boost player satisfaction with customer service, and directly affect revenue."

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