UK Gambling Commission makes staff reporting of breaches of gambling rules easy.

4/21/10 – Casino employees troubled by breaches of gambling rules by their employers have a new facility for reporting to the UK Gambling Commission in strictest confidence.
Launched on April 17th, the Commission now offers a confidential hotline that can be used by gaming industry workers to report breaches of gambling rules in their workplaces. 
Set up in response to requests by GMB, a British union with some 610 000 members employed in casinos, the hotline is an initiative aimed at establishing better direct communication between the Commission and gaming industry workers.
Adrian Baker of the GMB said this week: “This specific outcome from the meeting between the Gambling Commission and GMB casino workers is a huge step forward in terms of not only the safety of all staff within the gaming industry, but is also an opportunity for the Gambling Commission to focus resources on incidents that are reported directly by gaming sector workers themselves. 

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"Casino workers have historically felt that if a complaint was made against a customer in respect of abuse, then a number of factors would be taken into consideration by local management with principally the individual financial value of the customer being placed above the need to address their abusive behaviour directed against staff. 
"This is a wholly unacceptable practice. GMB actively encourage all gaming sector workers to use this facility in a bid to eradicate abuse of gaming staff and create a safer working environment across all gaming sectors."

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