Zane Mersich new Novomatic CEO

Zane Mersich now CEO based in London.
Novomatic has announced management changes to its top team at Novomatic UK, based in London.
Astra Games m.d. Zane Mersich will from January 1st next year take up new and greater responsibilities as CEO of the Novomatic UK.
He will be replaced at Astra by Gamestec managing director Chris Butler, and Peter Davies will take charge of Gamestec and Playnation, the operating company.
Davies will also join the board of directors.
In a change in reporting structure, Tony Oliver, managing director at Mazooma Interactive and Darwyn Palenzuela, managing director at Extreme Live Gaming, will report directly to Mersich.
Bell-Fruit Games managing director John Austin retires after 15 years but will remain associated with the firm as an ambassador.