Zynga Elite Slots

Social games developers latest expands its casino-style offerings with a title that weaves social and story elements with luck-based play.
The San Francisco-based online social games developer Zynga, which has ambitions in the real-money gambling sector outside the USA, introduced its latest free slot Wednesday, titled Zynga Elite Slots.
Company developers told industry reporters that considerable research and professional creative effort had gone into the development of the new feature-rich multi-player game, with emphasis on audio and visual elements.
They claimed the game inter-weaves social and story elements with luck-based play, and includes role-playing and mini-game elements.
Players are represented on screen as animated pets with back-stories that progress through various levels and find in-game treasures based on the outcomes of spins on virtual slot machines.
Themed levels include an enchanted forest and a vampire "house of fangs." At certain points players are pitted against powerful enemies in "boss battles," the outcomes of which are determined by slot machine spins. After big wins at the slot machine, victorious animated characters appear on the screens of other players, dropping rewards.
Elite Slots is free to play, but Zynga is hoping people will spend money buying animated pets with upgraded powers and on in-game coins for extra pulls on the slot machine.
The new game will be Zynga's fifth casino-style offering in a line-up that includes poker and bingo.
Two months ago Zynga announced a partnership with the Europe-based remote gaming operator Bwin.party.digital entertainment to run poker, roulette, blackjack and other virtual casino games for real money in Britain

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