ASA Gambling Survey Results

Posted 6/3/11 :

Compliance rate of advertising in gambling sector
The UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has released the results of a survey it undertook to establish the compliance rate of advertisements in the gambling sector using the various media codes as reference.
The ASA's compliance team assessed 796 adverts that appeared in a broad mix of media in the week starting 1 to 7 July 2010 over the Football World Cup period and used its last Gambling Survey from 2007 as a comparison.
–  An overall compliance rate of 96.1 percent was reached 2.9 percent down on 2007 (99 percent).
–  Of the 31 adverts likely to breach the code, 25 of those were placed by two companies and were near identical.  Those adverts offered "free bets" but did not include significant terms and conditions.
–  Those adverts likely to breach the code appeared in non-broadcast media while television and radio passed with flying colours.
The ASA reiterated that internet display adverts promoting "free bets" need to include an indication that terms and conditions apply and that those conditions should be one-click away.
The complete results can be accessed at