Fulltilt Payments Coming March 2014
Sunday November 17 ,2013 : FULL TILT POKER PAY-OUTS NEXT YEAR (Update)
US government-appointed administrators say payments should commence around March 2014.
Impatient Full Tilt Poker players have been waiting for their funds since Black Friday in April, 2011 but they may have to resign themselves to another four months before payments are made by the Garden City Group, the third party administrator commissioned by the US Justice Department.
The company is tasked with the evaluation and repayment to players of the $150 million that was paid into government coffers by Pokerstars when it acquired Full Tilt Poker and reached a $731 million settlement with the US government.
Garden City dispatched over 1.4 million email notifications to Full Tilt customers eligible for repayment, and received approximately 41,000 petitions for FTP repayment.
In a statement on its website Saturday, the GCG advised:
"We are in the process of reviewing petitions filed by petitioners who confirmed their balances online and who have not disputed their FTP Account Balance or submitted multiple Petitions. We expect payments to be made with respect to such petitions with confirmed balances by March 31, 2014."
The two month window for players to submit their claims ended Saturday, and players who did not file a petition by the deadline will not be able to claim their funds at a later date.