Keith Bristow Chairman of Gambling Anti-Money Laundering Group

Monday February 8,2016 :  BRISTOW TO CHAIR GAMLG

Seasoned UK crime fighter to head Anti-Money Laundering initiative.

Keith Bristow, former Director-General of the UK National Crime Agency has been named chairman of the newly established Gambling Anti-Money Laundering Group (GAMLG) whose members include the Association of British Bookmakers (ABB) and the Remote Gambling Association(RGA).

GAMLG will oversee the coordination of industry responses to threats, promote industry initiatives and practices to external stakeholders while challenge the industry itself on anti money laundering practices.

The role will involve working in collaboration with the UK Gambling Commission and a non-department public body of the UK Government’s Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to produce industry good practice guidelines.

GAMLG intends collaborating with HM Treasury and the country’s National Crime Agency in its efforts to combat illegal practices.

“I have been impressed by the commitment of the gambling industry to tackle money laundering,” Bristow said. “The industry acknowledges that there is more to be done.

“As Chair of the GAMLG, I will work constructively with the industry to continue to drive up standards and, when necessary, robustly challenge current policy and practice.

“By making it even more difficult for criminals to exploit the gambling industry, we will make a real contribution to the protection of UK businesses and communities.”