MetroPlay-666Bet placed in compulsory liquidation
Sunday July 11,2015 : END OF THE ROAD FOR METROPLAY-666BET
Company placed in compulsory liquidation.
The sad saga of MetroPlay-666Bet, which hit the headlines earlier this year amid reports of police action, multi-million pound fraud and unpaid players , appears to have reached a closing chapter with the announcement in the Alderney Official Gazette that Metro Play, as operator of dotcoms Bet666 and MetroPlay, has been placed in compulsory liquidation.
It appears that the Court of Alderney issued an order winding up the company on July 2.
Where this leaves unpaid players is at present uncertain; the last news emanating from the company in a report to the UK Gambling Commission was that it was attempting to raise capital in order to meet its obligations
The Commission has since posted a notification on the Alderney liquidation order, advising that the MetroPlay licence has lapsed and that the company is no longer UK-licensed.
Regrettably, the Commission was unable to advise players on how this may impact them and their outstanding payments.
The best advice available suggests that players contact the KPMG Channel Islands offices, where Linda Maree Johnson and David Standish have been appointed liquidators of the company. The deadline for claims is August 7 2015.