Playersoft to present Mobile Tech To Las Vegas
Playersoft to present a range of products to Las Vegas casino operators in March.
San Diego-based software development company Playersoft has announced that it plans to present its range of mobile player administration products to Las Vegas casino operators at the Gaming Technology Conference in the city March 17 – 19 2014.
Company spokesmen say that the conference will afford Playersoft the opportunity to present its mobile player tracking platforms for the gaming and hospitality industry.
Playersoft products augment existing casino management and player tracking systems, with a focus on increasing guest loyalty and revenue.
“We’ve received great response for each of our individual products,” says Playersoft President, Tony de Leon. “But it’s when clients see the entire suite of products working together and integrating seamlessly with their current casino management system that they see the real potential of mobile platforms in their operations.
“We’ve positioned our suite of products as an option available now with a framework that can adapt going forward.”
Playersoft’s award winning Mobile Enrollment system began helping casino operators build player loyalty in 2011 and was awarded Gaming and Leisure’s CIO Roundtable Platinum award for most innovative product of the year in 2012.
Since then, the company has continued to add new modules to its suite of products using iPhone and iPod Touch technology.
“Our platforms are working across the United States as well as the Bahamas and we’re positioned to help operators from any size property take advantage of every opportunity mobile technology affords,” says Vice-President of Technology, Hunter Hunstock.
“Whether we’re talking to Las Vegas resorts or Native American gaming operations, we know the importance of tracking and managing players in the fast paced casino entertainment industry. Operators need high data accuracy on the back end and intuitive platforms on the front end for staff productivity.
"Our systems allow for real time evaluation and that means better customer service and profitability for gaming operators of every size.”