UK National Lottery has turned to humour to promote its offering
Piers Morgan's ego features in the first of a series of television ads.
The UK National Lottery has turned to humour to promote its offering, commissioning a series of television advertisements poking a little fun at high profile celebrities.
Created by the AMV BBDO agency, the "Please Not Them" campaign was inspired by the idea that while everyone has big win lottery dreams, they’d rather it was their own dreams that were realised than those of other people.
The ads pose the question, what would self-centred celebrities do with a major lottery win? The answer in the first of the series, based on the invariably opinionated television presenter and journalist Piers Morgan, is a massive seaside amusement arcade titled Piers Pier.
In it, Morgan describes his plan to build a "monument to one of Britain’s favorite sons – me." in briefing an architect on a grandiose project with a Morgan-theme.
Morgan closes the commercial by commenting: "One big win on Lotto and Piers’ Pier is open for business," followed by a voice-over that observes: "Anyone can win with Lotto. Please, don’t let it be him."
The next advert in the series will feature the equally controversial television personality and model Katie "Jordan" Price with ambitions for her own dedicated 24/7 television station, and there are others as yet unidentified in the pipeline.
Check out the Morgan advert here: