Watchful poker players pick up on FTP site activity
Watchful poker players pick up on FTP site activity
Speculation was running riot at major poker information forums like twoplustwo Monday after watchful players noted that the year-long dormancy of the Full Tilt Poker website had been broken by intermittent activity.
A blizzard of comment and speculation followed a player post claiming that up to 411 players appeared to be active on the website, knocked for a six by the US Department of Justice action on Black Friday and subsequent events.
Soon a host of other players were confirming the report, posting that it appeared that 411 players were consistently online across 14,451 tables with four tournaments running.
Most speculation centred on whether the sudden activity was testing preparatory to a re-launch by Group Bernard Tapie, the French company that has been negotiating the acquisition of FTP .
There has been no clarification from GBT or FTP.