HR2267 will again be front-and-centre on July 21st
The PPA's heads up earlier this week that Congressman Barney Frank's bill to legalise online gambling in the US is due for another hearing has turned out to be right on the mark. The House Financial Services Committee chaired by Frank has confirmed that HR2267, the Internet Gambling Regulation, Consumer Protection, and Enforcement Act, will again be debated on July 21st.
Less time has been allocated to the hearing than was the case last December, with the current debate starting only after lunch at 13h00 in Washington DC. A committee spokesman said that the anticipated mark-up of the new legalization would not on this occasion take place,
The PPA issued a statement on the hearing, in which executive director John Pappas said: “We appreciate Chairman Frank calling another hearing on HR 2267. We hope this is the final step toward an eventual vote in his committee on this legalization before the August recess. The PPA and the poker community stand ready to secure its passage.”
The Interactive Media Entertainment and Gaming Association (iMEGA) is also interested in the proceedings, with chairman Joe Brennan noting that whilst hearings were useful in keeping attention on the subject, what is really needed is political progress in the shape of committee and floor votes.
"The i-gaming lobby has been working too hard for too long. It deserves more than a hearing," said Brennan. "But, we’ll wait and see who will appear as witnesses. I’d like to see John Pappas finally get the opportunity to appear before the House Financial Services Committee and make the case for the players.”
The Committee has not yet issued its witness list.