NJ Horse Association wants Rehearing on Sports Betting
New Jersey Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association requests a full panel of judges.
Reports in the New Jersey media indicate that the New Jersey Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association is not accepting defeat on the US Third Circuit Court of Appeals decision upholding a lower court finding that New Jersey may not introduce sports betting
New Jersey lawmakers approved legalization permitting intrastate sports betting two years ago but implementation is on hold following litigation from the US Department of Justice and the national sports leagues, who want to see the status quo of just four states offering sports betting maintained.
The Association has filed a petition asking for a re-hearing of the case before a full panel of judges rather than the three who heard the earlier appeal and rejected it.
The state of New Jersey is trying to get around the restrictive Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act in order to introduce sports betting in the Garden State, and the Association has allied itself to the state government's cause. It is understood that the state itself will also submit a petition for a re-hearing in the near future.
Three Third Circuit Court of Appeals judges found against the state on a vote of 2 to 1 in the appeal two months ago. If a re-hearing goes against the Association and the state of New Jersey, all is still not lost; Governor Chris Christie has vowed to pursue the issue all the way to the US Supreme Court if necessary.