Staatsloterij and De Lotto merger complete
Friday April 1,2016 : DUTCH LOTTERY MERGER COMPLETED (Update)
Its taken five months since the Dutch Council of Ministers gave its approval , but the merger of Dutch national lottery operators Staatsloterij and De Lotto was completed this week.
The two organisations will initially maintain their brand identities on products like Toto, Lucky Day, Krasloten, EuroJackpot and Miljoenenspel, with the combined group headed as by Staatsloterij Chief Executive Frans van Steenis, and De Loto’s former MD Claire Lurvink responsible for chief financial officer duties.
At a press conference for Dutch media the two executives explained that the merged group will have greater social relevance, whilst its fund raising and market efficiencies would be enhanced, essential in the regulated online gambling market that is scheduled to open up in the Netherlands next year.
Earlier this week Staatsloterij and De Loto confirmed that an agreement with online gambling software provider NYX Gaming had been signed in preparation for the liberalised market