Monday September 5, 2011 :  Lawyers want to drop some clients but stay with others
A wide range of online poker information sites reported over the weekend that there have been new developments in the Full Tilt Poker case .
The reports quote a communication from attorneys of record David Deitch and Jeff Ifrah, a vociferous ‘insider' spokesman on several occasions, who have apparently made application to withdraw as legal representatives in an ongoing class action lawsuit involving Team Full Tilt players.
The duo has thus far represented eight defendants from the professional player team.
According to the reports, the two lawyers give as a reason for their withdrawal the fact that continued representation would create "…unreasonable difficulty for us to carry out our employment effectively and would result in an unreasonable financial burden to our law firm."
It appears that Ifrah will continue to represent Full Tilt Poker as a company, along with its chief executive Ray Bitar, who is one of the defendants named in the Black Friday indictments.