German sports betting concession Delayed
Third deadline set for submissions
The German State of Hesses Ministry of the Interior and Sports has pushed out its sports betting concession deadline for the second time which initially was set for September 4, 2012 and is now set for 12 Noon on January 21, 2013.
According to German attorney Martin Aarendts, the Ministry has fundamentally revised several key documents in the second stage of the tender process related to the minimum requirements for submission, hence the delay.
In related news, the German Federal Judge presiding over a case initiated by the North Rhine-Westphalia lottery agency Judge Joachim Bornkamm is left pondering the legality of the broad prohibition of internet gambling under the State Treaty on Gaming.
The Supreme Court upheld the gambling ban last year, however, Bornkamm said the legal situation changed when the German State of Schleswig-Holstein passed its own, more liberal gaming law.
"This prepares a problem, as the European Court of Justice makes high demands on the member states," said Bornkamm.
The Court said it will take its time on the decision and will reconvene with its determination on January 24, 2013.