Swedish Poker Options
Wednesday March 26,2014 : Swedish Poker Options
Living in the UK, it’s hard to image what it would be like if the gambling industry were regulated by just one government run company. However, that was the situation that Swedish gamers faced up until 1997. The gambling monopoly was then toppled by a series of changes in both the law, and people’s attitudes to gambling.
SvenskaSpel, the company which dominated the market, was criticised for not doing enough to promote healthy attitudes towards gambling. Since then, international companies have been moving into the Swedish market, and the most recent company to develop a Swedish branch is Gala Coral. Gala.se will provide all the services currently enjoyed by people in the UK. The company also operate under strict gaming guidelines which will sit well with the Swedish attitude towards gambling.
Due to the rise in online gambling companies in Sweden, online players will be able to enjoy more options and more sites to choose from. Online poker is a hugely social activity and players often ‘chat’ to each other whilst practicing their hands or playing in tournaments.
PokerStars, Bettson, Party Poker and Unibet all provide Swedish language software. This is as well as the gambling giant Ladbrokes, which followed Bet365 into Sweden. The benefit of companies like Ladbrokes and Gala.se is that they offer deals like freeplays and cashback incentives. These were often missing under the old government regime.
Now that it is legal for international poker companies to advertise in the Swedish press, it is hoped that the suspicion of gambling and its risks will dissipate. It would be amazing if a new wave of young professional Swedish poker players emerged onto the world scene as a result of the involvement of companies such as Gala. It would be amazing if people found a sense of enjoyment and community in the availability of online gaming.