When Do Most People Play Online Poker ?
Wednesday August 28,2013 : WHEN DO YOU PLAY MOST ONLINE POKER?
Online poker monitor gives an interesting perspective on when players get into the action.
The independent online poker monitor Pokerscout has published an interesting study on poker playing frequency over the year, confirming the empirical knowledge assembled by many operators that the northern hemisphere summer months of June, July, and August are the quietest as poker fans spend less time hunched over PCs and mobile devices and more enjoying holiday travel and the outdoors.
The Pokerscout Scouting Report reveals that online cash game traffic is at its lowest during the summer, with the quietest month being July.
The action heats up again beginning September, rising steadily through October and November, and spiking noticeably in December before settling to steady and significant growth again in the deep winter months of January to March.
April usually sees traffic starting to decline substantially as the seasons start the transition back to the spring and summer months.
The seasonal change of around 20 percent between the peaks and the troughs is not as pronounced as that experienced by the television industry; Pokerscout notes….that often shows a 50 percent differential.
Pokerscout's latest traffic monitoring shows that last week traffic overall was down 12 percent on the corresponding period in 2012.